Online Live-Streamed Classes & Recorded Videos with Spoon levels 1-4.
'Spoon Levels' to help you find the best class for your body.

What is a spoon level?
Spoon Theory was written by Lupus patient Christine Miserandino to explain how people living with chronic illness must carefully budget their energy (‘spoons’) in order to get through a day without going into post-exertional malaise (PEM).
I have devised a 'Spoon Level' system to make it easier for us Spoonies to choose classes that suit our needs and energy levels on any given day.
1 Spoon:
1 SPOON: 5-10 minutes (longer videos include a guided meditation)
Classes are designed to make greater connections to the mindy-body as a whole through visualizations or gentle movements.
Class is fully supine (lying down on back) and can be done from bed or on a yoga mat.
Minimal Intensity
2 Spoons:
2 SPOONS: 10-20 minutes (longer videos include a guided meditation)
Gentle movements designed to ground the body, increase circulation, improve range of motion, decrease pain, and calm the central nervous system.
Classes are mainly lying down and occasionally seated. Seated practices can be done in a chair or on the floor. Reclined practices can be done lying on the floor or in bed.
Low Intensity
3 Spoons:
3 SPOONS: 15-30 minutes
A flow of balance and stretching with modifications given. Includes opportunities to check-in and rest.
Moving between different positions: lying on back, side and/or belly; seated on floor or chair and/or on all-fours using hands and knees.
Moderate Intensity
4 Spoons:
4 SPOONS: 30-45 minutes
Classes include lying, seated, and standing poses.
Additional standing poses like Warrior 1, forward folds, and/or downward dog may be used with support.
Modifications are available for all poses and you can choose to to flow or remain static in poses. Props for support are encouraged.
Medium Intensity
Online Live-Streamed Classes & Recorded Videos
A unique blend of yoga methodologies to nourish your well-being.

● Gentle yoga poses modified to address specific physical and mental needs of those with chronic health conditions.
● A series of gentle movements, combined with breath-work, gradually warms and loosens tight muscles and stiff joints.
● Stimulates the immune system, slowly builds strength, improves range of motion, and releases stress.
● Neuro-muscular approach that helps retrain the brain and nervous system to release chronically held tension patterns by using subtle movements.
● Improves mind-body connection, cortical control, spatial orientation, flexibility, and equilibrium.
● Suitable for all, and highly beneficial for relieving chronic pain and/or neurological issues.
● Allows gravity to do the work for you by safely supporting your body in restful postures using various props from home.
● Replenishes and nourishes your whole being.
● Effectively balances the central nervous system, improves sleep, and reduces anxiety.
● Makes yoga poses more accessible by incorporating a chair.
● Aids balance during standing poses and conserves energy and supports endurance when seated.
● Excellent for those with joint injuries, muscle weakness, or balance and orthostatic intolerance issues.
Use of a chair can be added to any class.
● Meditative approach that gently guides the mind into a calmer state of focus and stillness.
● Specialized breathing practices help dismantle unsupportive breathing patterns, to improve the function of lungs and heart, regulate blood pressure and increase oxygen delivery to our entire bodies.
● Combined with imagery, progressive relaxation, or focused attention, assists our mind-body in achieving better balance and a more peaceful state of being.
● Effective practice for managing stress, depression, and anxiety.
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